Sunday, June 5, 2011

No Regrets

This final piece of the school year is a reflection on where I have come in the past two years.  The inspiration came while I was taking a drive with my mom to Chicago and saw just how worn out all the trees and roads looked.  It made me think about all the good times I have had with the people in my life and how much I, along with everyone else am growing up and also growing old.  I decided to set myself in this poem as a bird figure, not actually revealing that the bird is human, let alone me until the end.  I did this because when I think of growing up I think of how kind of like a bird at some point you have to be willing to spread your wings and just soar.  So with this piece I guess I am sort of signing out.  Signing out of 8th grade with. . .
Passing in and out of the luminescent shadows of long city roads,
Memories of tiny birds chirping and swaying return.
Hearings of a soft cry to their mother,
Chirp, chirp.
And an excited titter to their father,
Caw, caw!
There are visions of them attempting to fly,
Trying to soar high above where their beautiful wings can take them.
The small boy seems to flounder in the weeds,
Not knowing what to do.  
But the female bird,
Naturally she soars
Like she has been at it for years,
A long flight, through warm weather and sunshine,
wind and storms.  
Occasionally, her wings will fail her,
falter in a storm,
break in the wind.  
But even though,
She carries on.  
Watching her,
Makes everything seem okay.
Somehow this incredible, average bird
Can transcend into a beautiful dove
Soaring above mountains
Over the sea,
And beyond.   
There were mistakes,
Childhood days spent doing wrong.  
No matter though, she has learned,
She has moved on.  
So with the disappearing old winds,
And the coming of new ones,
That little bird will fly,
Turn into a beautiful creature through the years,
And as she does so she will state:
“It’s no use fretting over what can’t be changed--
I have,
No regrets.”

1 comment:

  1. This was a great poem. I loved the formatting, and I thought that your metaphor for the birds being us made for a beautiful. It also shows how you, along with the rest of us, are moving on and are so much better writers than before. Great job!
