Monday, March 5, 2012

Is it called 'English' or, 'Write This'?

--Author's Note--
A piece written in remembrance of the good old days and the things that have been long forgotten. 
Searching through my old accounts, I have suddenly found myself caught up in the world of Blogger again, reading and reminiscing about old posts that have been made, realizing and remembering just how much I used to and still do love to write. But the things I'm writing now, in high school, seem to be all wrong, making each piece a daunting task, tempting me with ways to slack off and presenting deadlines that seem to creep up behind out of nowhere, startling me when they suddenly hit foregrounds. I wish somehow this world of creative and thoughtful writing us students indulged ourselves in throughout middle school would come back and open up to the high school world, where now, it seems tradition and order is all that is cared about. Sure we get to start each class with "ten minutes of free reading time", (which not to mention has been threatened to be entered as a grade if we don't stay on task) but why can't we have the choice to just ten minutes of free writing time? This doesn't seem much to ask since, after all, English class doesn't just have to do with reading. 

Balanced comparison papers, ITS CLEAR paragraphs, and strictly structured pieces are supposed to be the new fashion statements in writing but none of these really give us students a chance to dabble in our true abilities as writers since the restrictions and requirements constantly hold us back. Though a cheesy analogy, it's in many ways like taking away the ability for a bird to fly. If a bird has no wings and writers have no freedom, how can they be expected to soar?

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