--Author's Note--
Just something to think about.
Today while engrossed in cleaning up the house I got to thinking about those who pay for things like their house cleaning to be done for them. Personally, I find it really unnecessary to have a total stranger come into your house just to get it cleaned -- something that we all, no matter how busy can manage to do. Sure I understand if the resident has a bum knee or some type of physical problem, but those of us who are capable of cleaning, can bust some butt once in a while to do so! If we know how to change the tires on our cars, paint, or even less extravagant, know how to clean, why not save some money and get it done ourselves?
People hire others to do their work for them for one of two possible reasons. One, they truly are too busy to get anything done themselves or two, they just have more money than they know what to do with. Being too busy is overrated because it doesn't take long to clean up a room at all, it can be done in any time of being home. If the home owner seriously is never home but to sleep, why would they even have their own home? Spending money just to spend it to me, seems ridiculous. If you honestly have more money than you know what to do with, I think it should be going towards something meaningful, donated, or even just saved instead of wasted on things that you don't need.
We truly do live in a waste land. It's not that all the people in America don't use their money wisely, it's that some people who are fortunate enough to have more than others use their money to get things done that they could have otherwise done themselves. Now I'm not saying that I know everything about the current standings with our economic crisis and why we are in it, in fact I know little about this topic. What I do know however is that many Americans continue to basically throw away their money on things like having their homes and cars cleaned. It has come to a point where we need to not only realize that our spendings have gotten out of hand but that sometimes we need to stop sitting on the couch and seriously get things done for ourselves!
I totally agree with you! Like seriously, do your own work instead of hiring someone less fortunate to do it for you. I can only imagine how self-centered those people are... but about your writing, you have really awesome voice in all of your pieces. Nice job on this, you had crazy good points.
ReplyDeleteI have to say I agree. I know some people who make only as much money as I do, and somehow they afford to pay for a cleaning service! Another point that I consider valuable is that it feels good to clean. I think it is really psychologically good to clean our living space, to feel that sense of pride and accomplishment over small things. I've also found that cleaning with my family brings us closer together. I always told my kids that they had chores because they are a part of the family, and that is love.
ReplyDeleteLike the others, I agree. Laziness and hoarding has been the downfall of our nation. People who could easily stand up, turn on the vacuum and clean just sit, hand some cash over, and have someone else do it. I will say the line of business for those who clean other people's houses has increased tremendously over the past years and has provided those with an insufficient education or qualification with a job that can make lots of money. However, I do agree that people should just get up and do it themselves once and a while.
ReplyDeleteI like everyone else agree that it really is an unnecessary thing to hire someone for. A reason that I can think of that I don't believe you pointed out was that even though this is lazy and a waste, it also provides jobs for people who need them and supplies a wage that may in turn help provide for their entire family.
ReplyDeleteThis is really interesting, I agree and disagree with you. I understand the time thing, but the money, I'm not so sure. A couple years ago, we had a lady come in to clean our house once a week, and although it cost money, my family isn't rich and the service was really affordable for what is was worth. I don't think my parents thought it was wasted money either, because they would rather have a professional clean the house, and felt she could clean it better than our family could. Although the lady retired, I remember liking when I came home every Tuesday to a clean house. I know it seems kind of wasteful, but sometimes people can spend money in some places and not feel comfortable spending it in other places. The one reason I disagree with you is that America is run off of businesses, and people spending money towards the businesses keeps it going. I can feel your pain of cleaning, though. You writing was great, and was fun to read. Great job.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this so much. I do think that people in America have lost their sense of what money is worth and spend it on too many things they don't need, like having someone else do their work for them. Here's a little story for you; Around the time I was born, my dad made less money than a friend of his that had also just had his first child. My parents saved as much money as they could and didn't buy anything they didn't need; if the house needed any repairs, my dad did them himself with what he already had with him and I don't ever remember my parents ever becoming desperate enough to actually hire someone to do anything around our house. My dad's friend, on the other hand, decided he would hire someone else to do whatever needed to be done, and used whatever he had left to buy a bunch of stuff he didn't need. After a while, my dad's friend ended up running out of money and my parents had to help him save up his money again. So in the end, my family had more money because we did things ourselves. If that's not proof, I don't know what is.
ReplyDeleteI agree and disagree, you bring up a very good point saying that people should be cleaning their own things, because after all they own them and they should take care of them. That makes a lot of sense however you also have to think about the fact that they are paying money for those people to clean their houses, and those people most likely need that money they receive for cleaning to live. If those who where hiring cleaning help stopped many people would be out of jobs, but as you stated those that hired the people to clean in the first place could give that money to charity and that would be good, so I agree and disagree.