Thursday, April 14, 2011

Life isn't ALL it Seems to be

--Author's Note-- 
Day one of The Truman Show.  So far the movie has been really enjoyable.  This piece is a little different than my normal style, it takes more of a "fun" approach to writing.  Sorry if some of it, (or all of it) comes across as corny. 

Imagine living your entire life as a world-wide television star without even realizing it!  That's how things are for Truman of the existential movie titled The Truman Show.  Hidden cameras and well played scripts succeed in stalking him everywhere he goes and it seems that everyone is in on the idea of keeping it a secret from Truman that his life is and always has been the basis of a TV show.  In The Truman Show, the actors side as the "normal" people who have major effects on what Truman chooses to do with his life.  It is an all around test to see how Truman, or rather each of us, react to certain depressing or odd situations in life.  Will we pass all of the tests or will we be caught drowning under the pressure?

Everyone has fears.  Fears of territorial things like heights, fears of being in certain conditions like tight spaces or darkness.  But no matter what our fears manifest as one thing will always be true; in life, we come across certain things that seem to nag at our fears, tempt them to burst open wide like a flower at the first glint of spring.  The events that the directors and actors of The Truman Show put Truman through such as pushing him away from a girl that he's interested in and also "killing his dad" show that humans react in interesting and sometimes insane ways when bad situations attempt to kill our happiness.

It is not out of the ordinary for a person to say, stay cooped up in their house after one of their parents passes away or, inherit fears from bad situations like Truman and the fear of water he gained from watching his father drown.  This however is not what our lives should take the form of.  We must always remember that when worst comes to worst, we shouldn't always mourn in the bad of situations for many years after but learn from them and realize that even though it may feel like we have lost in the moment, our futures will hold a boatload more knowledge.  

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