Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Colors and Flavors of the Rainbow

Authors Notes- One day over Christmas Vacation I was really bored and was thinking about random things. This was one of the things that I was thinking and kept thinking about. Kind of weird. But with the writing style I wanted to incorporate real facts with a poetic voice.

Red pieces, orange pieces, yellow pieces, and green. Pink pieces, purple pieces, and blue. A piece of candy for each color of the rainbow.
Skittles are one of the many types of candy that come in different flavors and colors all in one package. But why is the majority of each pack outnumbered by the flavors and colors that people like the least? In a skittles package for instance, there are always for some reason more green skittles than any other color, and most people like the red and purple the best. Is it because the skittle manufactures cant make enough of the favored colors because people eat more of them? Is it because they want people to like the other colors too? Why, why are the least popular flavors of candy always the most abundant in packages?


  1. Haha thats a funny question. I wonder...

  2. I don't know if you meant to do this, but you could relate this to people too.

  3. I like green skittles
